Dettagli frase Varie
Calvin Coolidge

10/12/2014 alle 13:25
Valutazione mediascadente1Curiosità 58
8 volte
Valutazione mediascadente1
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  • Frase in inglese
    One evening Calvin Coolidge was sitting at dinner when a fellow guest - well aware of his reputation for taciturnity - attempted to lure him into conversation. 'I have made a bet, Mr. Coolidge, - she began, - that I can get more than two words out of you.' Calvin's reply? 'You lose'. ['Calvin Coolidge's perpetual expression, - Sherwin L. Cook once recalled, - was of smelling something burning on the stove.'] [Trivia: Coolidge and his family often spoke in sign language when they did not want to be overheard].
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